SHANGGE is a leader in providing Commercial Refrigeration and Air Conditioning equipment, systems, installation and service

Adult goods vending machine - {cat. name} price - parameter - picture, Refrigerator Showcase, Fresh-keeping Cabinet, Refrigerator, Cake Showcase, Ice Cream Showcase, Red Wine Showcase

SHANGGE Focused On Refrigeration 38 years

Delivering Excellence in Climate Control Solutions


  • Description


● 可销售不规则品种商品,易拉罐、塑料瓶包装饮料均可售卖,玻璃瓶也可销售。

● 支持支付宝、微信、京东钱包、翼支付、纸币、硬币支付功能。硬币找零功能。

  银联云闪付,银联闪付,金融IC付,APPPLE PAY,三星智付,NFC手机支付。


● 智能遥控器操作,一键设置,操作简单。

● 商品库存一目了然,容易管理。

● 全新的货仓设计让您轻松取出货道内商品。

● 微电脑控制系统具备智能数据查询、统计、核算、故障自诊断等管理功能。

● 多个货道可以放同样的商品,根据季节和销售变化可灵活变更合并。180-600ML规格的商品均可售卖。

● 冷热饮可自主调节,制冷系统采用R134a制冷剂,符合国际绿色环保要求; PTC加热。

● 三色幻彩按钮,霓虹灯闪烁展示,绚丽时尚,吸引消费。

● 操作面采用液晶面板,现场操作设定简洁易懂。

● 有掉电保护功能,有存储记忆功能。

● 标配光电出货检测系统。

● 漏电保护功能。

● 机身材料:全钢结构,坚固耐用。

● 带7寸触摸屏,工控电脑或者安卓系统,能使用自定义图片、动画、影音等多媒体形式动态

   提供人性化的互动操作;可通过WIFI,3G或者4G等网络实现远程实时控制更新和发布多媒体文件。 可提供二次开发。


● 可定制IC卡支付、支付宝当面付、声控支付、二维码支付、APP出货、手机NFC支付、信用卡支付或其它支付方式。机器支持232电脑串口控制。可定制纸币找零。充值发卡系统。

● 可定制监控摄像头,可设置GPRS防盗报警系统,具备远程监听、监视、报警、喊话、录像等功能。

● 机器可扩展联网功能,可随时组成集群自助售货网络。


China Ice Bear Cold Chain Group

"Ice Bear" brand was born in 1986, is China's three major brands. With advanced cold chain production lines and strong technical foundation, "Ice Bear" won the approval and favor of consumers at the beginning of its appearance, rapidly opened up the domestic and foreign markets, and occupied 8.23% of the global commercial refrigerators market.

Keywords:Adult goods vending machine - {cat. name} price - parameter - picture, Refrigerator Showcase, Fresh-keeping Cabinet, Refrigerator, Cake Showcase, Ice Cream Showcase, Red Wine Showcase